Autodesk Inventor - Lofted Flange
Lofted Flange:
The Lofted Flange feature creates a Flange between 2 profiles. These profiles can be open or closed profiles.
To create a Lofted Flange:
In this example i am going to show you how to create a square to round. Using the Lofted Flange feature.
Fist create a sketch on the XY plane. Then sketch a Rectangle.
Then offset a plane from the XY plane.
Then start a sketch on the plane you offset. And draw a circle.
Than select the Lofted Flange feature. Select the 2 profiles.
In output you have 2 options. Press Brake and Die Formed.
Press Brake
To be bend on a Press Brake.
Converge makes bend line converge to a point. As you can see in the pictures below.
Converge box UN ticked
Converge box ticked
Die Formed
To be Die formed.
Facet Control
Facet control has 3 settings. These settings control the amount of bends it takes to create the square to round. The more bends, the rounder the circle at the top.
Next we need to place a Rip in to the Lofted Flange. Placing a Rip will allow the sheet metal to be flat patterned. In the picture below i have selected Point to Point from the drop down menu. Select the face you want to place the Rip in. Then select 2 points you want the Rip to go between, shown circled in red. This will create a Rip in the metal, allowing it to be flat patterned.
Flat Pattern
Flat pattern of square to round using Lofted Flange and Rip.
Thanks for reading,
Thomas Savage
The Lofted Flange feature creates a Flange between 2 profiles. These profiles can be open or closed profiles.
To create a Lofted Flange:
In this example i am going to show you how to create a square to round. Using the Lofted Flange feature.
Fist create a sketch on the XY plane. Then sketch a Rectangle.
Then offset a plane from the XY plane.
Then start a sketch on the plane you offset. And draw a circle.
Than select the Lofted Flange feature. Select the 2 profiles.
In output you have 2 options. Press Brake and Die Formed.
Press Brake
To be bend on a Press Brake.
Converge makes bend line converge to a point. As you can see in the pictures below.
Converge box UN ticked
Converge box ticked
Die Formed
To be Die formed.
Facet Control
Facet control has 3 settings. These settings control the amount of bends it takes to create the square to round. The more bends, the rounder the circle at the top.
Next we need to place a Rip in to the Lofted Flange. Placing a Rip will allow the sheet metal to be flat patterned. In the picture below i have selected Point to Point from the drop down menu. Select the face you want to place the Rip in. Then select 2 points you want the Rip to go between, shown circled in red. This will create a Rip in the metal, allowing it to be flat patterned.
Flat Pattern
Flat pattern of square to round using Lofted Flange and Rip.
Thanks for reading,
Thomas Savage
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